
10 Things I LOVE

10 Things I Love

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I thought I would share 10 Things that I love.  Valentine’s Day is a time to show our love towards friends, family, and all the good things in life so here are 10 things that I love.

  1. Family Time

Typically, my family either likes to have a movie night or go out to dinner at our favorite restaurant in our little town.  We always share lots of laughs and it’s always nice to spend time with my family since we are normally busy with our regular everyday lives.

  1. Date nights with my bf!

My boyfriend goes to school 3 hours away from our hometown, where I go to college, but we always spend a lot of time together when he comes home from college.  We typically like to have date night on Thursdays where we get $5 chicken wings and then some froyo after! This is one of my favorite things to look forward to during the week when he is home.

  1. Books

I’m big on book reading.  Everything from fiction to history books, I read it all.  When I was younger, my parents used to have to take books away from me before we would go places because I was so addicted (LOL). Anyway, this is definitely in my top list of past times.

  1. Life of a Busy Bee (This blog!)

I started blogging under a different username back in 2015 but in 2018 decided that it was a goal of mine to get into actually writing on a schedule and producing content that I actually loved.

  1. Teaching

I’m currently working towards my bachelors in Early Childhood/Childhood Education with a concentration in Math and I actually love my major.  We have placements every week in an actual classroom setting and I genuinely enjoy all my work that I have to do and the placements that I am at.

  1. Podcasts

Okay, two years ago I would have never considered listening to podcasts but now I commute at least 45 minutes, 5 days a week so finding something entertaining to listen to during my car rides has been quite the challenge.  After I found podcasts, I find myself wanting to drive farther just so I can finish listening to an episode!

  1. Pharmacy

So, this is kind of random.  My first real career that I actually was convinced that I wanted to pursue was Pharmacy.  I was convinced that I wanted to be a pharmacist so I became a Pharmacy Technician at CVS (where I still work!).  I eventually decided that I didn’t really want to do this for my entire life so I switched my major but I still love my job.  There is always something new to learn in the world of pharmaceuticals and the list of drugs available to help people are always expanding.

  1. Meeting New People

I wish I could talk to every new person that I meet without it being super strange.  I love learning new people’s life stories and learning new things.  I love chatting with new people!

  1. Pictures

I LOVE having pictures printed out! There is just something about having the physical picture in your hand rather than having it on your phone.

  1. All of my friends

I am so thankful for all of the people in my life who are always there for me.  Lots of love for them this Valentine’s Day.

Let me know what you love in the comments down below.



21-B Sunrise Apartments8339 Oceanside AveKapolei, Hawaii 39210 (2)